List of Spiritual Gifts

The Spiritual Gifts Inventory can help you determine which spiritual gifts you have. The questions assess your gifts in twenty-three areas. Each description below includes scripture references and has a listing of roles in church work, ending with a comma. This is to invite you to add more roles that you think fit the gifts.


The Holy Spirit enables some of us to motivate, direct and inspire God’s people in such a way that they voluntarily and harmoniously work together to do the Church’s work effectively. To exercise the gift of administration is to assume oversight for the proper execution of an organization or program (being in charge of people or things). This gift involves being able to put things together, tie up all the “loose ends” and get things done, setting a pattern for others to follow — by direction, instruction, guidance, encouragement of example. Adeptness at financing, planning, organizing, delegating responsibilities and problem-solving can be indications of the gift of administration.
read: Hebrews 13:7, Judges 3:10, Exodus 18:13-16

Ministries using this gift

Committee chairperson, Sunday School Superintendent, Vestry member, Senior/Junior Warden, Building Committee member or chairperson, Treasurer, Sunday money counter, conduct annual audit, head up the stewardship campaign, Youth Leader, organizing parish outreach efforts, attend meetings & conferences, Convention delegate or alternate, Diocesan involvement (committee/task force work), Agapé coordinator, Organize receptions, Yard Sale organizer, Family Fun Night organizer, Coordinate Scheduling of Sunday Service Participants,


The Holy Spirit enables some of us to lead, inspire and develop the church of God by proclamation and the teaching of truth. To exercise the gift of apostleship is to perceive and accept God’s call to lead others in their spirituality, to be instrumental in acknowledging God’s grace and authority in the life of the church. This gift involves being able to lead others wisely and compassionately, and training others in spiritual matters. Apostleship includes a combination of wisdom, discernment, leadership and teaching.
read: Matthew 4:18-22. Acts 14:21-23

Ministries using this gift

Vestry member, Senior/Junior Warden, Sunday School teacher, neighborhood canvasser, participant in justice causes,


The Holy Spirit empowers some of us to willingly bear the burdens of others and help them in such a way that they can do their tasks more effectively. To exercise the gift of caregiving or helping is to give assistance or relief from distress where it is needed. This gift involves a willingness to help others even when the jobs may be messy or involve getting into close proximity with people who are sick or distressed.
read: Matthew 25:34-40, Acts 6:2-4

Ministries using this gift

Greeter, Usher, Youth Leader, Writing legislators, Concerns of the elderly, Concerns of the handicapped, Casserole Brigade, volunteer work, assisting in church programs, assisting in outreach programs, working in the church kitchen or the office, fund-raising, helping others to carry out their ministries,


The Holy Spirit enables some of us to use our hands and minds to build up the Kingdom of God through artistic, creative means. To exercise the gift of craftsmanship one must have or develop a skill, be it a hobby or a vocation, and must be willing to share this ability with others either in finished products or in teaching others to do the skill. This gift involves any art or craft or skill, from painting to pottery, to woodwork or weaving, computer skills or photography — any art or craft that can be used to the glory of God.
read: Exodus 28:3-4, Jeremiah 18:1-6, Exodus 35:35

Ministries using this gift

Craft workshop leader or participant, Care for or make altar linens, vestment, banners, Make articles for the church, Sunday School & clergy, Interior decoration of church, Photographs for parish history, Pictorial Directory committee, design t-shirts/sweatshirts for parish, Flower arranging, parish newsletter,


The Holy Spirit enables some of us to discover the will of God. To exercise the gift of discernment is to distinguish between truth and error, to identify whether something is of God. This gift involves wisdom and prayerfulness.
read: Proverbs 17:24, Hosea 14:8-9, Acts 5:3-6

Ministries using this gift

Counselor, Pastoral Caregiver, Hospice volunteer, Contact volunteer, Spiritual Director, Vestry member, participation on aspirant’s discernment committee, serving on a committee to employ and deal with church workers,


The Holy Spirit enables some of us to share the Gospel with others in such a way that they come to know God. To exercise the gift of evangelism is to share one’s faith within and beyond the parish. This gift involves an unabashed willingness to “be religious.”
read: Acts 8:26-40 , II Timothy 4:5

Ministries using this gift

Evangelism Committee, Membership/ Newcomers committee, Inquirers’ Class teacher, greeter, usher, prison ministry, campus ministry, participation in renewal events,


The Holy Spirit empowers some of us to stand beside other people who are in need and bring comfort, counsel and encouragement so they feel helped. To exercise the gift of exhortation is to call forth the best from others. This gift involves helping others to be more dedicated in living out their faith, bolstering them up when they are discouraged or downhearted, challenging them to see the goals to which God calls them.
read: Acts 11:23-24, Acts 14:21-22

Ministries using this gift

Committee chairperson, Pastoral Caregiver, Justice projects, EFM Mentor, working with young people, ministering to clergy, preaching, lay reading, work with older people or the handicapped, writing letters to those who need encouragement, prison ministry,


The Holy Spirit provides some of us with extraordinary confidence in God’s promises, power, and presence so that they can take heroic stands for the future of God’s work in the church. This gift involves a healthy prayer life, sensitivity to the will of God, and a firm trust that God will come through, even when there is no concrete evidence.
read: Hebrews 11

Ministries using this gift

Tithing, Stewardship Committee, Project supporter, Vestry member, Senior/Junior Warden, Social Ministries committee, Prayer chain, Bible Study participant, Building Committee member,


The Holy Spirit enables some of us to offer their energies, abilities and material resources for the work of the church with exceptional willingness, cheerfulness and generosity. To exercise the gift of giving one operates out of a spirit of selflessness, requiring no recognition or reward for their giving. This gift involves offering one’s time, energy, talent, skills, material possessions and money.
read: 2 Corinthians 8:1-5, Matthew 6:1-4

Ministries using this gift

Tithing, Stewardship Committee, project supporter, flowers for services, donate SHAREs, Christmas gifts for Applecross House, participating in parish programs and projects,


The Holy Spirit leads some of us to share in restoring the sick. To exercise the gift of healing is to pray not necessarily for cure but for God’s help for the sufferer, that something of good may come out of the distress. This gift involves a healthy prayer life, confidence in God’s power to provide courage in suffering, and wellness of spirit regardless of the condition of the body or mind.
read: James 5:13-16, Luke 9:1-2 , II Kings 5:1-3, 9-14

Ministries using this gift

Pastoral Caregiver, Prayer Chain member, participate in the healing ministry of the church, member of the Order of Saint Luke, visit the sick, visit in hospitals, intercessory prayer with or for the sick,


The Holy Spirit enables some of us to open our homes willingly and offer lodging, food, and fellowship cheerfully to other people. A concern for the comfort of others may be a manifestation of the gift of hospitality. This gift involves having a knack for making people at ease, enjoying being in the presence of strangers, being willing to offer one’s home as ministry.
read: Hebrews 13:1-2, Genesis 18:1-8

Ministries using this gift

Foyer Group participant, Small group host, Saint Anne’s neighborhood, Casserole Brigade, Agapé foods, Help with Pancake Supper, Sunday Coffee host, Breadmaker, Greeter, Usher, Membership/Newcomers Committee, entertaining guests of the parish,


The Holy Spirit enables some of us to pray intensely and for extended periods of time with great positive effect for the building of the Kingdom. The gift of intercession is praying for others, a vital and important ministry often overlooked as “a ministry.” Evidences of the gift of intercession would be having the mindset for being instantly in prayer for a person or situation, having confidence that God acts in response to our prayers, being patient and persistent in prayer even when change is not evident, having a continuing sense of responsibility to pray for people and situations.
read: 1 Thessalonians 3:10-13, 1 Timothy 2:1-2

Ministries using this gift

Prayer Chain member, private prayer, prayer groups, prayer vigils, praying with others,


The Holy Spirit enables some of us to understand in an exceptional way the great truths of God’s Word and to make them relevant to specific situations in the church and in daily life. To exercise the gift of knowledge, one enjoys learning, probably from childhood and on into adulthood. This gift involves knowledge of facts and relationships, of Scripture and of the tradition of the church, of the lives and works of church fathers and mothers, but also knowledge of the ways of sharing these learnings gracefully.
read: Ephesians 3:14-19, Hosea 6:6

Ministries using this gift

Vestry member, Committee chaplain, Preacher, Sunday School teacher, Bible Study leader, EFM mentor or member, Marriage Encounter, Cursillo, attend studies and conferences,


The Holy Spirit enables some of us to feel exceptional empathy and compassion for those who are weak or suffering so that they devote large amounts of time and energy to alleviate these conditions. To exercise the gift of mercy is to relate to others in kindness and compassion. This gift involves continual readiness to forgive those who have erred, comfort the bereaved, help those who face a crisis, minister to the sick, become a peacemaker or offer assistance to those in need.
read: Luke 10:30-37, Micah 6:8

Ministries using this gift

Pastoral Caregiver, Hospice volunteer, Prison ministry, AIDS ministry, Deaf ministry, Poverty ministry, Race relations/Crossing 52, Nursery care, visit the sick or shut-ins, calling on lapsed members, participating in programs concentrating on social needs, caring for the disadvantage, comforting the bereaved,


The Holy Spirit enables some of us to minister in a second culture or second community, whatever other spiritual gifts they have. To exercise the gift of missions is not to impose one’s beliefs on another, but to faithfully and mutually share what one has learned about God. This gift involves a willingness to be with and share with people of different heritage, customs, economic background, experience, or manner of speaking, as much a willingness to listen as to speak, and an awareness that God loves all people, no matter what they believe or how they express their beliefs.
read: 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 , Mark 16:15-20

Ministries using this gift

Community Service volunteer, Meals on Wheels volunteer, Hispanic ministry, Samaritan Inn, Samaritan Kitchen, sponsor a refugee family, prison ministry, migrant-worker ministry, foreign missions,


The Holy Spirit enables some of us to praise God through various forms of music and enhance the worship experience of the local congregation or the church at large. To exercise the gift of music may involve some skill in singing or in playing an instrument, but may also include the ability to select appropriate music for a worship service or parish event.
read: 1 Corinthians 14:26, Psalm 98:1, 4-6, Psalm150:3-6

Ministries using this gift

Choir member, church musician (instrument), Congregation singer, music planning,


The Holy Spirit enables some of us to assume responsibility for the spiritual welfare of a group within the church. The gift of pastoring is not necessarily the ordained ministry. This gift includes leading worship, pastoral counseling, and leadership in parish programs.
read: 1 Peter 5:1-11

Ministries using this gift

Vestry member, Senior/Junior Warden, Pastoral Caregiver, Spiritual Director, Worship Committee member, Layreader, Independence Village services,

Deeds of Power

The Holy Spirit empowers some of us to accomplish much toward achieving God’s will in our church and community. (In some versions of Scripture this gift is called the working of miracles.) This gift involves a firm and faithful relationship with God, courage in the face of adversity, and a willingness to call on the power of God.
read: John 14:11-14, Micah 3:8, Acts 1:8, 2 Timothy 1:5-7

Ministries using this gift

Vestry member, Senior/Junior Warden, prison ministry, poverty ministry, hunger ministry, Race relations/Crossing 52, participating in programs concentrating on social needs, caring for the disadvantage, comforting the bereaved,


The Holy Spirit empowers some of us to interpret and apply God’s revelation in a given situation. This gift involves a keen sense of the dignity of all people, a sense of call, a sense of timing, knowledge of Scripture and the workings of the church.
read: 1 Corinthians 14:1-5, 1 Corinthians 14:30-33a, 1 Corinthians 14:37-40

Ministries using this gift

Preacher, Counselor, Bible Study leader or participant, Convention delegate or alternate,


The Holy Spirit enables some of us to willingly share the burdens of others and help them in such a way that they can do their tasks more effectively. To exercise the gift of serving is to identify closely with the needs and problems of others, not providing answers or solutions, but being willing to work with them, no matter how small or how big the task may be. This gift involves a willingness to “pitch in” and do whatever is needed, no matter how detailed or tedious the task.
read: Galatians 6:1-2, Philippians 2:3-8

Ministries using this gift

Committee member, Thrift Shop volunteer, Meals on Wheels volunteer, Acolyte/Server, Altar Guild member, Breadmaker, Office volunteer, Landscape volunteer, Lawn mower. Habitat for Humanity, Food for Habitat workers, Samaritan Inn (nights), Samaritan kitchen, Red Cross Blood drive, Social Ministries Committee, Pie ministry, Crop Walk, Food Bank, Poverty ministry, SHARE ministry, Migrants ministry, Lector, Chalicist, Flower Guild, Work day participant, Gardening & lawn care, Sunday morning close-up, Repairs around the church, cleaning the church, Painting,


The Holy Spirit enables some of us to communicate so that others can learn. To exercise the gift of teaching one effectively imparts information or proclaims precepts of truth, either vocally, visually or by example.
read: Hebrews 5:12-14, Isaiah 28:9-10

Ministries using this gift

Sunday School teacher, EFM mentor, Youth leader, Tutor, Train acolytes/lectors/layreaders, Day Care volunteer, work with young people, social ministries involving teaching or training others,


The Holy Spirit enables some of us to communicate or to understand in forms or communication beyond the ordinary. To exercise the gift of tongues is to communicate in or understand a foreign language or anything (such as ASL, Braille, art, music and more) other than our own native language.
read: Acts 2:5-11, Psalm 104:2b-35

Ministries using this gift

Hispanic ministry, ministry for the deaf or blind, poverty ministry, ministry in a specialized area, sharing meditations on art, music or nature, expressing one’s faith through art or music,


The Holy Spirit endows some of us with an understanding of God’s will and work as it relates to the living of life. To exercise the gift of wisdom is to help others to discover the wisdom they have within them. This gift involves knowledge of God and of Scripture, discernment of God’s will, and skill in analyzing the problems and dilemmas of life.
read: Sirach 1:14-19, James 3:13-17, Ecclesiastes 9:13-18

Ministries using this gift

Counselor, Spiritual Director, Convention delegate or alternate, EFM Mentor, Youth leader, Pastoral Caregiver, Hospice volunteer, Contact volunteer, Vestry member,